Kade Hendrick, Rubicon Mechanic Jeepers and Jeep Jamboree

Words of Wisdom. Interview of Kade Hendrick Rubicon Mechanic.

Kade grew up in Lake Tahoe. He was Introduced to four wheeling when he was six (6) years old. His mothers' friends had a 1942 Willys. They put it in first gear and put the transfer case in low range. He propped himself up in the driver seat and drove the Rubicon trail that was around 1980 and 1982.

He was introduced to the Jeepers Jamboree by Sal Sunzeri a long time member of Lake Tahoe Hi Lo 4X4 Club and volunteer at Buck Island and Rubicon Springs. Sal ask him and Carlena to take over his responsibilities and be the check point just pass the bridge at the Front Door into main camp. They’d check entry registration and direct participants to where they can find camping spots to set up their tents. That was ten (10) or twelve (12) years ago. (They say every great man has a great wife who stands by his side and behind him, Carlena is one of those wife’s.)

Before participants would start to arrive at the front door Kade would get bored and leave Carlena in charge and walk over to the mechanics yard and look for something to help with. What he does in real life is run his own business, Rubicon Mechanical and Plumbing located between Kirkwood and Glenbrook. He covers California and Nevada specializing in Boilers.

When asked what he felt was the most important tool to bring on the Rubicon trail without hesitation he stated, Fire Extinguisher! He said you should also have a socket set, a crescent wrench and channel locks.

Your camping gear should include a sweater and warm cloths. The High Sierras weather can change quickly, and the cold can become dangerous. Bring shorts, T shirts and a swimsuit, don’t forget your beach towel. Be prepared better to have something you don’t need than need something you don’t have. Also bring drinking water. Safety tip; beer and soda can dehydrates you. Due to the heat you can end up drinking more and more resulting in dehydration.

I asked Kade what was the most interesting repair job you have encountered on the trail? He stated he once with the help of Corey completely replaced a CJ7 transfer case while on the trail. Kade has a collection of Toyota Landcruiser his collection includes FJ 40, FJ45 and a FJ 80. His wife Carlena drives their 1947 Willys pickup truck into Rubicon Springs. It has a Mercedes 5 cylinder diesel engine and Toyota frame and a mish mash of parts. It is affectionately known as the Mutt Truck.

Like almost all the off roaders you will find on the trail, especially the volunteers, Kade and Carlena have a lot of respect for mother nature. Kade and his wife Carlena along with many of the volunteers are custodians of the trail. They don’t just talk, they act. This couple help with the maintenance of the bathrooms. Kade ensures each stall has toilet paper and his wife on occasion helps clean the porta potties

A note from Eric Lichtbach Founder of Jeep Famboree.

I love the outstanding people you meet on the Jamboree, that is why I started Jeep Famboree. It’s my way of saying thank you. The volunteers are the working force of the Jeepers and Jeep Jamboree. They are unique and admirable individuals doing their best to ensure you have a good time. Always be polite, don't complain about waiting for mechanical help, or if the food line is long. Have fun mingle, introduce yourself to the people in front and behind you. Talk about your adventure, the challenges you encountered. Ask them how many times they have been on the Jamboree. Enjoy the beautiful scenery surrounding the dining area. It's amazing.

Listen to the music, they have live performances while you are in line for dinner. It’s the perfect opportunity to meet new friends. The kind of friends you can count on.

Written by Eric Lichtbach

Edited by Kade Hendrick and Judy Kinkade

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