Mitchell Lera, Rubicon Mechanic Jeepers and Jeep Jamboree

Interview Mitchell Lera

Mitchell Lera has the distinction of being the youngest Red Jacket Mechanic on the Jeepers Jamboree at the Rubicon Springs mechanic yard. Although the youngest he has 10 years’ experience turning wrenches on the Jamboree. He started coming in with his dad at 12 or 13 years old. He was already 6’ tall so no one questioned the 16-year-old age requirement. I can’t tell you how tall he is today as the sun hurts my eyes when I look up that high.

Mitchell’s genealogy is one to note. His father Michael Lera aka Cowboy has been a Red Jacket Mechanic for over 30 years. His Uncle Angelo Lera retired from his volunteer service in the mechanic yard at Rubicon Springs some ten years ago. Both Michael and Angelo grew up in Sacramento California. Mitchell grew up in Texas. His Dad and him drive in every year from Killer Texas a suburb of Ft. Worth, where both men work in construction, specializing in electrical engineering and installation. They build the monster one million square foot Amazon Warehouses.

Men like Cowboy, Mitchell and Uncle Angelo is why we call ourselves Jeep Famboree. We are a family of friends who participate in the Jeepers Jamboree. We are generational, fathers and sons, uncles and nephews, fathers and daughters, cousins and grandfathers teaching their grandchildren the joy of the great outdoors. Learning to respect and care for the land and each other. “Leave it nicer than you found it”. My father taught me that when I was 5 years old.

When I asked Mitchell what the most important tool was to have on the Rubicon Trails his answer was a Hi Lift Jack, a set of wrenches and a ratchet strap. It’s amazing what these mechanics find they can do with a tool that’s made for one thing that they figure out how to use for a variety of jobs on the trail. It is said innovation is the mother of necessity. I agree. I’ve seen these Red Jacket Mechanics use a Hi Lift Jack stripped down and used as a temporary tow bar. Used to spread apart or pull suspension components back in alignment so they can be welded back where they are supposed to be. Use it to jack up a jeep and shove rocks under the tires for traction, so it drives out instead of being dragged out. Oh, and don’t forget to change a tire. Mitchell knows from good old fashion hands on experience on the trail with his dad the many uses of a Hi Lift jack. And that it can be the most dangerous tool in your arsenal.

I asked Mitchell what the most important gear was to have in your Jeep for the Rubicon Trail. His answers were mosquito repellent spray and a tarp to cover your gear and or your Jeep. He stated use the tarp if you need to work on your jeep while on the trail. Doing so helps you keep from losing hardware and fluids (oil) off the trail.

Michael stated his heart almost jumped out of his chest when he learned Mitchell was getting a Red Jacket. Mitchell was totally surprised to have received the recognition and honor of being awarded a Red Jacket. Being accepted into this very special brotherhood was something he hoped for in the future but didn’t expect it before reaching thirty (30).

Like the men in this brotherhood, he is very humble. He pointed out they concentrate on the care of the participants. He enjoys working as part of the team to resolve a variety of mechanical issues. At times part of the job is dealing with participants’ emotional reactions to the adversity and challenges they experience when their vehicles break down, before they realize they are not on their own to fix it. Many of us who enjoy going on the jamboree simply don’t have the mechanical knowledge or ability to analyze and repair the vehicle. The mechanics have to reassure the participant they are not going to be abandoned or left on their own to get it fixed.

Michael asked me to include the following: This is not a race, enjoy your time on the trail. Don’t worry, the mechanics are going to get you through, one way or another. Just don’t make the biggest mistake you can make when behind the wheel. That is overusing the skinny pedal.

Written by Eric Lichtbach

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