Tom Fey, Rubicon Mechanic Jeepers and Jeep Jamboree.

Tom Fey of the Buck Islands Mechanics Interviewed.

Toms advice for the newbie is have your vehicle prepared with a lifted suspension system and a minimum of 33” tires, the bigger the better. Let the air out of your tires to 12 pounds. Watch the Jeep in front of you and listen to the rock rollers. The volunteers on the Rubicon are experience four wheelers and will get you through the trail. You are going to have a great time and be taken care of on the Jeepers Jamboree. It’s a great trip for the jeepers interested in learning serious four wheeling. The Jeepers Jamboree on the Rubicon trail gets you into country you will be grateful to see and experience.

The first time Tom was on the Rubicon Trail he was six months old. Having been born in South Lake Tahoe, the High Sierras and impractically the Rubicon Trail have been a part of his life his whole life. His initial participation in the Jeepers Jamboree was when he was 14. Now some of you are thinking, wait a minute you have to be 16 to participate in the Jeepers Jamboree. Well young Tom at 14 was already over six feet tall. This man is 6’7” tall. As a sponsor of Jeepers jamboree when I first meet Tom we had Sweatshirts made for all the Buck Island mechanics. Tom ask for a 3X. When I saw Tom I was surprised to see his sweatshirt was not baggy or over size, it fit him perfectly. Knowing Tom for the past 22 years I have to state his heart is as big as his size.

Tom pointed out that back in the 1960’s between 1964 and 1967 the Hi Lo Jeep club of South Lake Tahoe manned both the Buck Island and Rubicon Springs mechanic yards. Tom’s Dad was part of the Hi Lo’s and was stationed at Buck Islands. As was Tom’s Uncle P.R. McCauley. When his Uncle P.R. passed away Tom was given his position on the Buck Island Crew. Jeeping is a family thing. Tom's daughter is third generation jeeper.

I have always found it interesting how uniformed many folks who are not involved in four wheeling have misperception of us off road motor sports enthusiast. I have meet Doctors, Attorneys, City Planners. Electricians who layout million square feet facilities, International Business owners while four wheeling throughout this nation. Tom is one of those educated people. He graduated from California Polytechnic State University, (Cal Poly) In San Luis Obispo, California. He has a degree in National Resource Management and studied Fire Science. Jeepers are some of the most conscientious land conservators. We use, we don't abuse mother nature.

When ask what was the most important tool for a Jeeper to bring on the Rubicon trail, especially the Jamboree, Tom, ask just one? I said I know it is a tough question. His answer was ‘Common Sense”! I found this answer very accurate as I have heard it from a many of the mechanics I have interviewed. Stay calm and polite especially to the volunteers on the trail. Tom pointed out, you will receive the help you need, be it mechanical or medical and be feed. If your vehicle must be left on the trail until parts arrive, the volunteers will do their best for you to be able to get to camp with your friends. Or to Buck Island where the mechanics perform miracles. It is also a wonderful place to wait or campout for the night, make new friends and enjoy a swim in Buck Island lake. Just be patient and appreciate the help, these volunteers are not paid.

Kindly keep in mind the Buck Island Mechanics do not charge for their help. Your tip goes to supplies and replacement parts for fellow four wheelers, be generous.

After further discussion regarding tools Tom pointed out the mechanics have everything you could possibly need. With that said here is a suggested list you carry. Open and closed end wrenches, Screw drivers and a hammer. A winch is a valuable piece of equipment, not only to assist you in getting through some obstacles but to help a friend and as a tool. I’ve seen a winch cable wrapped around a tire that came off the bead and as it is tighten around the tire pressing it against the wheel it creates a seal for the air to fill the tire back up. The winch cable can also be used to pull and hold a suspension component in place, so they can be welded back to the front or rear axles.

Tom, generously provided a list of spare parts that are most likely to be needed. Pitman Arm, Power Steering Hose, Front Axel U Joints, Drive Line, Fan Belt, Electric Fuel Pump, Spare Wheel Studs and Extended Brake Lines.

Tom drives a 1951 M 38 Jeep with coil over Wagoneer leaf springs with 40” tall tires, it is fully customized. Stop by the Buck Island Mechanics yard and introduce yourself. He will be happy to show it to you. You will meet an awesome group of four wheelers. Just remember a lot of times they are very busy keeping everyone moving on the trail. No one gets left behind. Have a great time and share your snacks.

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